​Our services

Additional driver free of charge.
At Vive Car Rental, you can add up to 3 people at no extra charge. All we need is your current driver's license and valid ID.

Free child seats.
At Vive Car Rental, we offer child seats adapted to the age, height and weight of your children. So, as well as complying with road regulations, you'll have peace of mind that they're traveling safely. You can benefit from 2 child seats free of charge.

H24 assistance.
Drive with peace of mind, knowing that if anything goes wrong, we're there to help, whether it's a flat tire, battery failure or keys forgotten inside the vehicle. We offer 24-hour assistance in Spanish, French and English.

Smartphone with internet.
Vive Car Rental offers to rent a smartphone with unlimited internet and GPS.

​Insurance with Vive Car Rental

​All vehicles at Vive Car Rental are fully insured, with prices varying according to the deductible. Vive Car Rental offers 3 deductible options:

Full insurance with 10% excess.

The insurance calculates the deductible based on the car's invoice value, e.g. if the car costs 15,000 euros, the deductible is 1,500 euros.
In the event of damage to the car, the customer will have to pay the full excess, i.e. 1500 euros in our example. After having the car repaired in the original agency (Nissan, Kia, Mg etc etc...) Vive Car Rental will issue you with an invoice.

Full insurance with 5% excess.

The insurance calculates the deductible on the invoice value of the car, e.g. if the car costs 15,000 euros the deductible is 750 euros.
In the event of damage to the car, the customer will have to pay the full excess, i.e. 750 euros in our example. Once the car has been repaired at the original dealership (Nissan, Kia, Mg etc etc...) Vive Car Rental will issue you with an invoice.

Zero hassle:
Complete insurance with no deductible.

In this case, the customer will not have to pay anything EXCEPT if there are grounds for cancelling the insurance. (see section on REASONS FOR CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE).

​Vive Car Rental rates

​Rates at Vive Car Rental depend on several factors:
- Reservation lead time.
- Vehicle model.
- The season.
- Current offers.

​Payment methods

​At Vive Car Rental we accept a variety of payment methods:

- Transfers to N26 and Mexican accounts.
- Effective, US dollars, euros, Canadian dollars at the daily rate.
- Payment by debit/credit card.
- Payment via paypal.

​What to do in the event of a breakdown or accident?

In the event of a breakdown:
Call our telephone service number to report the breakdown; depending on the situation, a roadside assistance service will be sent to you or, if necessary, a replacement vehicle.
Important : Under the terms of the contract, the customer is not authorized to carry out repairs of any kind on the car. The company will not reimburse unauthorized repairs.

In the event of an accident:
Call our service hotline number to report the accident as well as the corresponding authorities if necessary.
Please note To enforce insurance and damage coverage for the car the customer has contracted with Vive Car Rental, it is necessary that there be a "constat" issued by the insurance company's expert. If this document is not available, the damage will not be covered by the insurance and will be borne exclusively by the customer.

​Tolerance time when returning the car

​In order to respect other customers who have reserved a car, we ask you to return the car no later than the time stipulated in your contract. The maximum tolerance time without extra charge is 30 minutes, after which time the fee is 300 MXN for sedans or 400 MXN for minivans and will be charged for each hour of delay, starting from the initial delivery time and up to a maximum of 3 Hours. After this time, a full day's rental will be charged.

​Travel with your pet

​Of course, we want you to feel like you're driving your own car, so your pet is welcome. Don't forget that in the event of stains, dirt and unpleasant odors caused by your pet, you'll be charged for a deep-cleaning service, seat washing and/or car deodorization.


​Gasoline is not included in the total price. The rented vehicle must be returned with the same level of gasoline received, as stipulated in the lease. There is no refund for excess fuel. If the customer returns the car with less petrol, he will be charged the difference at a higher cost than at service stations.

​Reasons for cancelling insurance

​1) In order to provide our customers with clean and odor-free vehicles, smoking is strictly prohibited in all Vive Car Rental vehicles. In the event that the vehicle is returned with a cigarette odor or residue, a cleaning and deodorization charge will be applied. The cost of deodorization does not exempt the customer from charges for damage to clothing and seats caused by cigarette burns.

2) In the event of damage and/or accident caused by alcohol, insurance is automatically cancelled. All costs incurred will be charged to the customer.

​Fees not included and costs

​Keys, registration card and license plates are not included in any of the vehicle coverages, so the customer must pay the replacement cost in the event of loss or theft.

Deodorization (pets, cigarettes)
Does not cover damage to clothing caused by cigarette burns.
Cost 2500 pesos

armchair washing
Cost 1250 pesos mxn

Cost 400 de pesos

Lost keys
From 4500 mxn pesos to 20000 mxn pesos per piece and depending on the car model.

Loss/seizure of license plates
Cost of 6500 pesos

​Rental for companies and businesses

​- Fixed rates.
- Delivery times to suit your needs.
- Various payment options.
- Priority booking and vehicle delivery.
- Car insurance and protection to suit your business needs.
- Home delivery (restrictions apply).
- Wide variety of late-model vehicles.
- Additional services to personalize your experience.
- Car rentals are a tax-deductible operating expense.
- Unlimited mileage.
- Preventive maintenance.
- Replacement car.
- Third-party insurance and vehicle protection.

​Return to another city in Mexico
Desde/hacia Cancun Puerto Morelos Playa Del Carmen Akumal Tulum Chiquila Valladolid Merida Bacalar
sin costo 400 pesos 900 pesos 1600 pesos 1800 pesos 1800 pesos 2500 pesos 5000 pesos 6000 pesos
​​General contracting conditions

In all types of payments there is a cancellation policy, you will be informed in writing and you can consult it at any time before and after making your reservation. For card payments, any of those accepted, by STRIPE:

- No They allow changes within 48 hours of your excursion.
- Cancellations less than 48 hours before the departure of the tour is penalized with 100% of the rate.
- Not showing up for your excursion at the provided time is penalized with 100% of the rate.
- You must send a copy of your passport via email to validate your identity, after making the purchase we will  
  request it.

The day of your excursion you must sign your attendance to the tour using a format that our guide will provide you
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